
Meeting Notes

Zero Waste Quilting – 3rd Quarter Challenge

Our third quarter challenge is all about Zero Waste Quilting!

What is Zero Waste Quilting? It is the concept of using your quilting waste and byproducts rather than throwing them in the trash. Examples of Zero Waste Materials include:

  1. project leftovers (batting scraps, binding triangles, “snippets”)
  2. trash (thread clippings, fabric bits that can’t be sewn, stained/damaged fabric)
  3. packaging materials (cardboard backings, plastic bags, ribbons)
  4. reclaimed materials (clothing, linens, mattress pads)

Using these materials can be accomplished in so many ways! Your challenge from now until the September meeting is to use something that you personally used to put in the trash in a productive way. Some ideas include:

  • making art
  • starting a new quilt project
  • upcycle your material waste
  • use reclaimed materials
  • hide it in plain sight

Share what you did at the September meeting to be eligible for prizes! Be sure to tag your project with #sdmqgzerowaste so we can all follow along!

But why do we do this? If you were lucky enough to be able to follow Sherri Lynn Wood’s artist in residency with Recology, you got a first hand look at what ends up in the dump: EVERYTHING. For four months Sherri Lynn had to source 99% of her materials from the San Francisco dump. She was able to create a fabulous range of quilts and art from what she recovered from the dump, many of which were featured at Quiltcon Nashville in 2019. You can read more about the work that resulted from her residency here, view photos here, and learn more about recology here.  

Another reason to use all of your materials is that you paid good money for them. Fabric is $10 a yard whether it is a 10 inch piece or a half yard. By using all of your materials, you get more value from the materials you purchased.

So how does someone get started? One of the first things you can do is to audit your waste and see what you actually throw away. By monitoring your trash for a while, you can see what is available and start thinking of ideas for how to use them.

Also think about what kind of quilter you are and the types of projects you like to work on. Use that information as a starting point. Do you like to make art? Turn your trash into an art piece. It doesn’t have to be a quilt! But it can be.

Getting organized is a great way to manage your scrap materials for easy use. By keeping them contained, easy to find and in order, you are more likely to use them. Processing your scraps instead of leaving them in bags or boxes allows you to see what you have. Meg of Tea & Brie put together this great flow chart to help you figure out what scrap management process might work best for you.

Meg also wrote a great blog post about scrap processing that you can read on her website here.

By organizing your materials and keeping like-things together, you can easily see when it is time to stop collecting and time to start making! Use simple storage solutions (plastic bins, cute boxes) or reclaimed containers (zippered plastic bags, shoe boxes) to keep like-things together. Jen C. shared her “Easter basket method” for corralling string scraps for twine. 

Another great way to use up scraps is to start a dedicated scrap project. A leaders and enders project is an efficient way to use your scraps while you work on other projects. Jen C. uses binding triangles to sew half square triangles as an ongoing leaders and enders project and harvested fabric for an English Paper Piecing project from weird curve scraps. 

Using reclaimed materials from around your house is also a great way to make something functional out of something you were ready to throw away. Got an old stained blanket? Turn it into the batting for your next quilt. Have a perfectly good blanket that you were ready to donate to Goodwill? Use it as your batting AND backing for a quilt. Quilting with old clothes is another way to use fabric that might eventually end up in the landfill. An old mattress pad protector, a ripped pair of jeans and backing scraps were pieced and quilted into this dog bed for little Penny.

Finally, you don’t have to use everything generated from your quilting but that doesn’t mean it has to go in the trash. That stuff you just want out? It may be exactly what someone else is looking for! Trade with them or use our members’ facebook group to find a resource for your scrap trash. Finally, look to your local community to see if someone is looking for what you have to offer.

Want to be inspired and learn more about Zero Waste? Check out the following instagram accounts:






And listen to the Sustainable Sewing chats on YouTube about Repurposing and Zero Waste.

Share what you did at the September meeting to be eligible for prizes! Be sure to tag your project with #sdmqgzerowaste so we can all follow along! We can’t wait to see what you work on!

Written By: Jen Collins

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen

Meeting Notes

June Meeting Recap

Summer has started off with a bang! We had a great June meeting despite being without our fearless leader. If you couldn’t join us, here’s what we covered. 

Coming Events

We are offering a special trunk show and course event with Timna Tarr. She will be giving her virtual Flying Colors Trunk Show on Sunday, July 11, 2021 after the business meeting. Timna will introduce us to her beautiful work, including her map quilts! Members are then invited to take Timna’s Map Making with Fabrics online course directly with Timna. You will be able to take the course at your convenience. We will reconvene with Timna for a virtual Q&A session on Sunday, August 8, 2021 after the business meeting. Feel free to join if you have specific questions, plan to take the class, or just want to listen in. To register for the Map Making with Fabrics class, please visit Timna’s website via the link above. The cost is $35 for the course. The trunk show and Q&A sessions are free to members. Guests can join us for $5 (please Venmo the guest fee to @sdmodernquiltguild). Email us at [email protected] if you have any questions!  

2nd Quarter Challenge – Nine Patch

We wrapped up the 2nd quarter challenge by seeing some lovely examples of nine-patch blocks and nine-patch variations. One beautiful example was Angela D.’s beautiful nine-patch leaders and enders project:

Jen C. worked on a scrappy bear paw quilting bee project:

And Kenza C. showed us quite a few lovely blocks from an on-going project, including these:


Kristyn gave us an exciting update that we have donated 33 quilts to the Ronald McDonald House so far this year (with another donation coming soon)! You guys are amazing and we couldn’t help this many kids without your generous support. THANK YOU!

We are currently supporting Just in Time (JIT) for Foster Youth’s My First Home Program for our 2nd trimester’s charity drive. JIT helps transition 18-26 year olds who live in San Diego County and have spent time in the foster system. We support their My First Home project, which helps to supply items for an individual’s first home. For this trimester, we will be accepting throw and bed sized quilts, approximately 50”x60” and larger.

Kristyn has designed a beautiful group project for our guild JIT donation. Packets have been distributed and due back to Kristyn the week of the July meeting (no later than July 16th). Please email [email protected] if you have any questions!

Finally, have a quilt that doesn’t fit with this trimester’s drive? No worries! All of your beautiful and generous guilt donations are always welcome. Any charity questions or requests for supplies can be sent to Kristyn at [email protected]

Membership and Swag Pins

Please email [email protected] if you need your two membership pins or to purchase one or both of our adorable SDMQG spirit pins for $6/each or $10/both.

Sew and Tell

Our members brought an incredible collection of gorgeous projects to show off for this month’s Sew and Tell. Highlights included Meghan D.’s striking version of the Flame Seeker pattern by Lillyella Stitchery:

Suzanne A. has outdone herself with her colorful assortment of potholders for our potholder drive:

And Connie S. is working on this lovely Plaidish (tutorial by Kitchen Table Quilting) as a donation quilt for the JIT drive!

Coming Guild Events

Finally, here are some dates and events to remember. 

Next Sew-in: Sunday, June 27th from 11-1 on Zoom!

Next guild meeting: Sunday, July 11th at 11 on Zoom to be followed by the Timna Tarr trunk show.

Zoom links will always be sent via email.

Written By: Jen Collins

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen

Meeting Notes

April Meeting Recap

The April meeting was a great one! We announced several upcoming events, including some virtual trunk shows. If you couldn’t make the meeting, this is what you missed…

National Quilting Month

We wrapped up our celebration of National Quilting Month and gave away some great prizes to those who participated. Be sure to check out the #SDMQGcelebratesNQM hashtag on instagram for great inspiration from our members.  

Membership and Swag Pins

Please email [email protected] if you need your two membership pins or to purchase one or both of our adorable SDMQG spirit pins for $6/each or $10/both.

Coming Events

We will be hosting a virtual trunk show with Erica Jackman of Kitchen Table Quilting on Friday, May 21, 2021 at 6:30pm on zoom. This event is free to members but we do ask that you register by May 17th so that we know you are coming. If you’re not a current guild member, you can join us by registering and paying the $5 fee via Venmo. You can register here: Trunk Show Registration

We are also offering a special trunk show and course event with Timna Tarr. She will be giving her Flying Colors Trunk Show on Sunday, July 11, 2021 after the business meeting. We will then invite members to take Timna’s Map Making with Fabrics online course directly with Timna. Members will be able to take the course at their convenience. We will reconvene with Timna for a Q&A session on Sunday, August 8, 2021 after the business meeting. Please register for the Map Making with Fabrics class directly with Timna. The cost is $35 for the course. The trunk show and Q&A sessions are free to members. 

And finally, the annual SDMQG retreat is on!! The Vina de Lestonnac Retreat center is reopening in June and we will be the first retreat back! The retreat will run Thursday through Sunday, June 3-6th and Saturday sewers will be welcome on the 5th. All of our spaces for retreat have been filled!

2nd Quarter Challenge – Nine Patch

The 2nd quarter challenge will run April through June. Members are invited to create anything that incorporates a nine patch. The project can be anything, quilt, bag, clothing. The only rule is that it has to have at least one nine patch included. No need to finish it by June. Anyone who participates in the challenge will be entered into a drawing for fabulous prizes! Tag your creations #sdmqgninepatch so we can see what you are working on!

Sue provided some great inspiration photos, including the Even-Steven Pattern by Kitchen Table Quilting!


We are wrapping up the first trimester’s (January – April) quilt drive supporting the Ronald McDonald House. All three group quilt tops have been assembled and are in the process of being quilted! Thank you to everyone who made blocks, pieced the tops and volunteered to quilt them.

Kristyn also shared the exciting news that due to the value of the quilts our guild donated to the Ronald McDonald House last year, we are being honored as a Hearts and Hands member of the 2021 Giving Circles Program! The San Diego Modern Quilt Guild will be listed on the donor wall that appears in the San Diego Ronald McDonald House. We are so thankful for the generosity of our members. With your help, we have been able to make an impact on so many families. Whether you contributed to last year’s group quilt project or donated your own finished quilt, you made a difference and you are amazing. THANK YOU.

If you weren’t able to make it to the Charity meetup this past Saturday and have quilts to donate, please email Kristyn at [email protected] to make arrangements. We also have several tops that are in need of quilting if you’d like to help out with that task – backing and batting will be provided as well as fabric for binding if needed.

Looking ahead, we will be supporting Just in Time (JIT) for Foster Youth’s My First Home Program for our 2nd trimester’s charity drive. JIT helps transition 18-26 year olds who live in San Diego County and have spent time in the foster system. We support their My First Home project, which helps to supply items for an individual’s first home. For this trimester, we will be accepting throw and bed sized quilts, approximately 50”x60” and larger.

Kristyn has designed a beautiful group project for our guild JIT donation. Packets will be available in May and due back to Kristyn the week of the July meeting (no later than July 16th). Please email [email protected] to request a block kit or kits!

Finally, have a quilt that doesn’t fit with this trimester’s drive? No worries! All of your beautiful and generous guilt donations are always welcome. Any charity questions or requests for supplies can be sent to Kristyn at [email protected]

Sew and Tell

As always, we saw a beautiful range of projects from our members, including the following:

Karen J. has been working on the Project Quilting Challenges and her creation for the ‘Ab Intra’ (from within) theme was this beautiful Broderie perse collage wall hanging depicting her inner child!

Margaret R. shared this stunning “My Favorite Color is Moda” quilt top in such a springy colorway. Lovely!

Finally, Hadley got all of us inspired to sew quilted coats with her fabulous Tamarack Jacket!

Coming Virtual Guild Events

Finally, here are some dates and events to remember. 

Next Sew-in: Sunday, April 25 from 11-1 on Zoom!

*No May meeting* We will not be having a May business meeting, as our meeting falls on Mother’s Day. Instead, we’ll be having a special sew-in instead: Sunday, May 9th from 11-1 on Zoom!

Zoom links will always be sent via email.

Written By: Jen Collins

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen

Meeting Notes

March Meeting Recap

If you didn’t spring forward and missed our March meeting, here’s what you missed!

QuiltCon Together 

We took a few moments to discuss what we liked about this year’s virtual QuiltCon Together and the variety of opportunities that the virtual format offered. We appreciated the hard work that the Modern Quilt Guild mothership put into pivoting from an in-person event to a virtual one. It took a lot of work behind the scenes and we are so thankful we still had an amazing event this year despite the pandemic. Also, if you didn’t already see it, be sure to check out your beautiful work in our finished Community Outreach Challenge quilt! Kristyn wrote up a great blog post here.

National Quilting Month

Our celebration of National Quilting Month is going strong! Throughout March, be sure to post on Instagram about the things that have inspired you from Quiltcon Together (including classes, lectures, gallery quilts, new techniques or products, or social media posts). Hint – you didn’t have to attend the event to be inspired by it! All entries with the #SDMQGcelebratesNQM will earn you a chance for prizes during the April meeting! 

Membership Pins

Hadley reminded everyone of the two membership pins you get when you become a member.

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or haven’t received your pins. 

We also currently have available for purchase these cute SDMQG spirit pins for $6/each or $10/both. 

Please email [email protected] if you would like to purchase.

Postcard Swap

The postcard swap wrapped up and we had a chance to see amazing examples of the happy mail that were delivered to the members who participated. Including, this super cheerful postcard made by Pam S.

And this one made by Kenza C.

A Little Bit of Math

Colleen gave us a great overview about how to modify the size of a quilt block by breaking it down to its components and how to run the basic calculations. Watch the blog for a separate post with the information from her presentation!


This trimester (January – April) we are supporting the Ronald McDonald House. All of the blocks have been returned and are now in the process of being sewn together into quilt tops. We always need help at this stage of the group quilt process, so if you are ever able to help finish up one of these quilts, be sure to let Kristyn know! As a reminder, you can read about our current group project here.

Members – Mark your calendars! On Saturday, April 17th at 11:00 we will be hosting a special socially distant/COVID-safe lawn meetup at Carrie’s house to drop off and pick up charity supplies, plus FREE FABRIC! If you have a charity quilt in your possession, this is a great time to get it finished ahead of the meetup so you can turn it in. Details will be provided in the April Newsletter and meeting.

As a reminder we are also holding an ongoing potholder drive this year to support the Community Resource Center’s Holiday Baskets program. This is a great time to use up orphan blocks! You can read more about this project, suggested materials and see Sue’s pdf tutorial here.

Finally, have a quilt that doesn’t fit with this trimester’s drive? No worries! All of your beautiful and generous guilt donations are always welcome. Any charity questions or requests for supplies can be sent to Kristyn at [email protected]

Sew and Tell

As always, we saw a beautiful range of projects from our members, including the following:

Sandi S. finished her beautiful Lizzy House Meadow quilt with a little help from her friends.

And Nancy B. has started quilting her own quilts! Look at this beautiful chevron quilt she made for a friend with more than 40 rows of echo quilting. Go Nancy!

And Kristi S. showed off this spectacular steampunk quilt for her son, a take on Gears by Man Sewing. That’s one lucky kid!

Coming Virtual Events

Finally, here are some dates and events to remember. Check your email for the Zoom meeting links!

March Sew-in, March 28th from 11:00am to 1:00pm Pacific Time

Our next guild meeting, Sunday, April 11th at 11:00am Pacific Time

Written by: Jen Collins

Posted by: Kristyn Jansen


2021 QuiltCon Community Outreach Quilt

As QuiltCon Together has now officially come to a close, we thought we’d share our finished Community Outreach (formerly known as Charity) Quilt with everyone!

This year’s quilt presented a unique situation as we have all been apart due to the pandemic. So, with that in mind, we gave our members a very broad framework in which to make their blocks – minimum 9″ blocks with at least one curve and makers could use as many or as few of the included fabrics. Blocks could be created using any technique that the maker wanted to use. Chosen fabrics were cut, put into 2 block kits, and then mailed out to members who wanted to participate.

Blocks were made by 26 guild members and were all mailed back to our charity coordinator Kristyn Jansen who trimmed them all to the same size. They were then arranged and assembled into the quilt top by Jen Collins, Colleen Molen, and Kristyn at a distanced sew day. We then handed off the quilt to member Chris Broehmer who longarm quilted it for us. It then went back to Kristyn to be trimmed, faced, and then photographed for submission.

San Diego MQG 2021 QuiltCon Community Outreach Quilt (Front)

Quilt Statement:

San Diego Modern Quilt Guild – “Twists and Turns”

In this unpredictable year of together apart, our members were challenged to create blocks of the same size using curved piecing and to use any technique that they would like to achieve the curved element in their block. They were not given any direction beyond “include at least one curved element.”

We did not know what these blocks would look like or how they would work together with such a broad prompt, but they came together to create flow and movement throughout the quilt. Though we’re not physically together to create, we’re many voices still able to make connection with a shared purpose.

Quilt Details
Quilt Back and Facing Detail

Written and posted by: Kristyn Jansen

Meeting Notes

February Meeting Recap

We had the pleasure of seeing so many of your beautiful faces on Valentine’s Day for our February guild meeting. It was a lot of fun spending the morning with you! But if you missed it, this is what we covered…


First up! If you still need to renew your membership, now is the time to do it! Because we have to submit our records to the global guild, if you don’t register and pay your dues by the end of February you will lose your MQG access. Hadley and Nancy will be reaching out by the end of the month to anyone missing either dues or registration since it is a two-step process. If you would like us to take you off of our contact list, let us know that as well. The membership renewal link is here.

QuiltCon Together 

QuiltCon Together kicked off February 18th and runs through February 22nd. You can see who may be taking the same classes as you on the spreadsheet that was sent with our February newsletter. We can’t wait to hear what you all think of the classes, lectures and the virtual quilt show! We are hosting a virtual happy hour on Sunday, February 21st at 3:30pm on zoom. Members – Check your emails for the zoom link. And be sure to check out our contribution to the Community Outreach Challenge! We’ll be sharing more about our quilt this week!

National Quilting Month

More details to come, but we hope you will help us celebrate National Quilting Month in March. We will be holding a special month-long Instagram challenge throughout March. The challenge will be focused on Quiltcon Together inspiration (including classes, lectures, gallery quilts, new techniques or products, or social media posts) and entries will earn you entries for prizes! Use the hashtag #SDMQGcelebratesNQM

Postcard Swap

As a way to keep us together while we have to stay apart, we are hosting a postcard swap! Registration for the swap must be completed by February 22nd so we can send you your partners mailing information. This will be a random swap – you don’t need to make your card for any specific person, just make something that makes you happy and we’ll send you a guild mate’s address to send it to. Sign ups are here. Don’t delay!

Sue also provided a few helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Most common size is either 4” x 6” or 5” x 7”
  • Filler: Peltex, Pellon 72F, 2 sided fusible, felt, or USE WHAT YOU HAVE!
  • Piece the top. Best to make it a little bigger so you can square up to desired finished size.
  • Use an Applique pressing sheet if you use fusible Peltex. Place Peltex on an Applique pressing sheet. Iron top of Postcard in place. Turn over and iron Backing to the other side of Peltex. 
  • Binding is cut at 2 ¼”. Tuck one end inside the other.
  • Sew on with a ¼” seam allowance. 

All About Zippers!

Sue also gave us a super informative overview all about the zipper! She put together a great handout about swapping out your zipper pulls that you can access here.


This trimester (January – April) we are supporting the Ronald McDonald House. Kristyn put together another great group block kit (which you can read about here). All the kits have now been handed out and are due back to Kristyn by the March meeting. We are also accepting all sizes of quilts for this trimester’s drive. These quilts are intended for children of all ages. 

As a reminder we are also holding an ongoing potholder drive this year to support the Community Resource Center’s Holiday Baskets program. This is a great time to use up orphan blocks! You can read more about this project, suggested materials and see Sue’s pdf tutorial here.

Finally, have a quilt that doesn’t fit with this trimester’s drive? No worries! All of your beautiful and generous guilt donations are always welcome. Any charity questions or requests for supplies can be sent to Kristyn at [email protected]

Sew and Tell

As always, we saw a beautiful range of projects from our members, including the following:

Angela D. has been on a finishing streak! Her Liberty quilt was a stunner.

We also had some great scrap quilting ideas, including this one from Stacey S.

And this leaders and enders project by Lauren M:

Susan K also shared her 2019 UFO swap finish. She picked up a set of orphan blocks from another member and turned them into this super modern finish!

Breakout Rooms

We wrapped up the meeting with a couple rounds of breakout sessions where we had the chance to chat in small groups. We discussed our plans for Quiltcon Together as well as discussed some of our favorite quilting books. Some of the books discussed in one of the breakout rooms included:

Quilt-opedia by Laura Jane Taylor

The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters by Sherri Lynn Wood

Inheritance: Minimal Quilts for the Modern Home by Riane Menardi Morrison

Brave New Quilts by Kathreen Ricketson

Made by Hand by Lena Corwin

Wise Craft Quilts by Blair Stocker

Courthouse Steps by Quilt in a Day

Coming Virtual Events

Finally, here are some dates and events to remember. Check your email for the Zoom meeting links!

QuiltCon Together Happy Hour, February 21st from 3:30pm to 5:00pm

February Sew-in, February 28th from 11:00am to 1:00pm

Our next guild meeting, March 14th at 11:00am 

Written By: Jen Collins

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen

Meeting Notes

January Meeting Recap

We held our first meeting of 2021 on Sunday, January 10th via Zoom. We were so excited to see so many new and returning faces! While we are sad we cannot yet meet in person, we are so glad that the technology exists to allow us to still “meet” and be inspired by each other while we remain distanced.

Starting off, we wanted to be sure that everyone could put a face to the new 2021 board!

President – Priscilla Dulin: Our faithful leader! She is in charge of running our monthly meetings as well as guiding the direction of the guild.

VP Operations – Hadley Mendoza Miklos: Hadley is in charge of all things membership! But she is also playing a critical role of streamlining our guild’s communications and organization.

VPs of Activities – Colleen Molen and Sue Bouchard: Together, Colleen and Sue will be in scheduling and organizing our activities this year including workshops, swaps, monthly demos and our end of year holiday party.

Secretary – Jen Collins: Jen will serve as the guild’s documentarian. She will be helping with newsletters, reminders and social media communications. Hi!

Treasurer/Charity Coordinator – Kristyn Jansen: Kristyn is in charge of managing the guild’s dues and finances. She is also responsible for orchestrating and managing the guild’s extensive charity effort.

Got questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out! Send all inquiries to: [email protected]

Guild Business

If you haven’t already done so, it is time to renew your membership! We are asking people to send in their registration and dues by February to ensure there is no gap in your membership. Please renew your membership here.

There is an activities survey currently open for members (link can be found in the January newsletter email). We are asking all members to complete the survey to help with the planning of this year’s activities.

Quiltcon Together happening February 18-22, 2021. The guild will be posting a list in the private facebook group, so members can share which classes they have signed up for. If members are interested, they can coordinate working together on class projects.


This trimester (January – April) we are supporting the Ronald McDonald House. Kristyn has cooked up another great group block kit. Anyone interested in participating can request a kit from Kristyn and make up two of these super cute bow tie blocks.

Read more about the group project and how to request a kit here. Otherwise, we will be accepting all sizes of quilts for this trimester’s drive. These quilts are intended for children of all ages. 

We are also holding a potholder drive to support the Community Resource Center’s Holiday Baskets program. This is a great time to use up orphan blocks! Sue did a great binding tutorial for potholders during the meeting. You can read more about this project, suggested materials and see Sue’s pdf tutorial here.

Finally, have a quilt that doesn’t fit with this trimester’s drive? No worries! All of your beautiful and generous guilt donations are always welcome. Any charity questions or requests for supplies can be sent to Kristyn at [email protected]

Sew and Tell

We saw a beautiful range of projects from our members! You guys have been busy! Some crowd favorites included the following:

First-ever Christmas quilt by Pam S.
Pandemic Party Penguins by Judy L.
Angela D.’s original bloc_loc ruler quilt
All Heather Ross Freewheeling Single Girl by Hadley

Join us for our next meeting on February 14th at 11:00am on Zoom! Meeting link will be sent to members via email prior to the meeting.

Written By: Jen Collins

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen


Charity: Bow Tie Blocks and Potholder Challenge

Bow Tie Blocks

For our first trimester, we will be taking quilt donations of all sizes for the Ronald McDonald House. As part of this trimester’s project, we will also be assembling group quilts made from blocks made by guild members. We have quilt block kits available for members – we will mail them out to you and then you will send them back once completed.

Our block for this trimester’s project is a Bow Tie Block, which are based on a tutorial by Cluck Cluck Sew. Each kit is made up of two blocks – one with a solid background and one with a print background.

Instructions for the blocks will be included in the kits. Blocks are due back to Kristyn by the March 14th guild meeting. We still have about 10 block kits left – if you’re interested in sewing some blocks, please email Kristyn at [email protected] with your name and number of kits.

Potholder Challenge

We sent a small donation of potholders to the Holiday Baskets program at the end of the year and they were thrilled to receive them and asked if we would send more for the upcoming year.

We’re challenging you to make a potholder to donate to this program – we have purchased the InsulBright batting that is needed for the potholders and can provide that for you. This will be a ongoing project for this year, as the potholders will not be donated until the end of the year, so join in at any point in the year!

We are asking for potholders that are around 9″ or so – we will be sending out 10″ squares of InsulBright material. This project is perfect for any orphan blocks that you might have lying around!

Not sure how to make a potholder? We’ve got a couple helpful links and our own Sue Bouchard has put together a quick tutorial for you as well, which will be available below.

Potholder Layers:

  • Top
  • InsulBright
  • Cotton Batting (100%)
  • Back

Note: Please make sure to use natural fibers (cotton/linen) as polyester will melt.

Potholder Resources:

Potholder With Hand Pocket

Patchwork Rounded Corner Potholder

If you’re interested in participating in this potholder challenge project and are in need of InsulBright, please email Kristyn at [email protected] and include the amount of InsulBright squares you would like. Any other questions about this project can also be emailed to Kristyn.

Posted and Written by: Kristyn Jansen


2021 Membership Registration

Are you interested in joining the San Diego Modern Quilt Guild?  We’d love to have you! Membership to the Modern Quilt Guild is included in your annual dues, which includes access to all the resources, webinars, and more on their website.

In order to register as a guild member:

1. Complete the 2021 registration form.  Both renewing members and new members need to complete the form. Our form changes slightly each year and we want to make sure we have the most up-to-date information from you.

2. Pay membership dues ($50, or $25 after July 1) online via Venmo (preferred) or via check by mail.  Details for submitting payment are provided when you submit your membership form.

Please note: to be a fully registered member of the San Diego MQG, you must submit both your registration form and dues payment.

All monthly meetings are currently held over Zoom.

Questions? Email the board at [email protected]

holiday party, Swap

Holiday Party Mini Quilt Swap

We will be having our annual mini quilt swap at this year’s member holiday party on Sunday, December 6th. Sign ups will be open for this swap until Monday, October 19th, after which partner pairings will be made and then emailed out within the week.

Mini quilts for this swap should follow these guidelines:

  • Quilts are not holiday specific, unless your partner indicates on their form that they would like something holiday themed.
  • Minis should be no larger than 24″ on any side.
  • The quilt can be any type of shape.
  • Must be quilted and bound by the maker.
  • Should have some sort of hanging method and label on the back.

Partners will be revealed at the holiday party during the swap, so please do not reveal who you are making for until that point. The minis also do not need to be wrapped, as we will hang them up for display during the party. If you are unable to make it to the holiday party, you are still able to participate in the swap – you will just need to contact your partner closer to the party date to swap on your own.

If you’re interested in signing up for the swap, please fill out this form: Mini Quilt Swap Sign Up.

If you’re in need of some inspiration, check out our Instagram page @sandiegomodernquiltguild. Here’s a sampling of the mini quilts from last year!

Questions? Email us at [email protected]