
Meeting Notes

September 2024 Meeting Recap


Here’s what’s coming up at guild! Is there a fun programming idea you’d like to see added to our calendar? Do you have a skill or talent you’d like to teach? Are you willing to share your quilting journey as part of the monthly Member Spotlight? Reach out to your Activities Director Hadley at the meetings or email the board at [email protected].

Dates to put on your calendars: 

Oct 13 – What If? Class by Sue Bouchard, part 2

Nov 10 – What If? Class by Sue Bouchard, part 3

Nov 15th – Mingei Museum tour, 11:30am, Balboa Park

Dec 15 – Guild holiday party

Quarterly Challenge: Scraps and Salvage

This quarter was all about putting our scraps and other unusual materials to use! This was a great time to look at those UFOs you sorted and swapped at the April meeting, or take some time to play with your scraps and unconventional materials. 


8 at QIAD: Meeting, Election Scrappy finishes and other unusual materials were shared for the quarterly challenge! At this meeting 2025 elections were held. The new board will be announced at the Oct. meeting.  

8 at QIAD: “What if?” Workshop with Sue Bouchard Part 1 Another info-packed Sue Bouchard workshop! Register via the link in the newsletter email. Full Information with supplies list was sent via separate email.

22 at QIAD: Community Outreach Quilt Assembly Sew In It’s that time of year again — QuiltCon Guild Project assembly time! Jen C will be hosting this project-centered sew in, come prepared to participate and help pull together this year’s SDMQG contribution!


Charity Coordinator – Kristyn Jansen [email protected] 

Third Trimester Focus: Moores Cancer Center at UCSD (September-December)

Our third trimester focus is Moores Cancer Center at UCSD. We will be accepting lap and throw sized quilts (approximately 50″x60″ or larger) for the individuals who receive treatment at the center.

Group Quilt: For this trimester’s group quilt, we will be making these blocks, inspired by a quilt made by Wombat Quilts. Blocks for this quilt should either use cool colors (greens, blues, teal/aqua, cooler purples) or warm colors (reds, yellows, oranges, warmer purples) for the corners. Please choose one color range for each block you make. We are hoping to make two different quilts – one with the warmer colors and one with the cooler.

For each block, you will need: 

– 1 – 6.5″ square of a black solid

– 2 – 1″-1.5″ x 6.5″ (or longer) strips of a white/just off white solid or a white on white print

– 2 – solid or print scraps for the corner 

To make a block, take your black square and one white strip of fabric. Place the white strip face down at an angle on one corner, making sure that there’s a little overhang over the edge of the black square. Sew down the strip using a 1/4″ seam allowance and press towards the strip. You can choose to trim off the excess black corner either before or after sewing your strip.

Next, take one of your color pieces of fabric and either line it up face down with the edge of the white strip or you can put it on a bit of an angle for a more improv look. Sew those two pieces together and press towards the colored piece. 

Repeat these steps with the opposite corner and when complete, you should have a block that looks something like this:

You can leave your blocks in this state or square them back up to 6.5″.

Blocks for this project can be made from your stash and black solid squares will be available at the meeting, or upon request for mailing, if needed. All blocks for this project are due back at the November guild meeting (Sunday, November 10th).

2025 Charity Planning Meeting – We are getting close to the time in which we usually have our annual planning meeting to discuss the charity programming for the upcoming year. This meeting is open to any guild member that would like to attend and we historically have had it in late October/early November before the November guild meeting. This meeting takes place usually on the weekend and is no more than an hour and a half, though usually wraps up sooner. We try to pick a day/time that works best for most people.

If you haven’t been a part of this meeting in the past and are interested in joining, please let me know so that Kristyn can add you to the contact list. Any suggestions for charities/projects/group block ideas/ect. are also welcomed! 

As always, if you need supplies for a quilt (batting, backing, ect), supplies for a potholder, labels for a quilt, or just have other charity questions, please let Kristyn know! We have lots of supplies on hand to help you complete your charity quilt.

Kristyn will be working to prep some completed quilt tops to be quilted and have those ready for the October meeting. If you’re interested in helping to quilt one of those please let me know what size top you’d be willing to quilt. We have a variety of sizes available from smaller throws up to twin-ish sized.

Meals on Wheels Potholder and Placemat Project

We’ve put together a mid-year special project for Meals on Wheels of San Diego County. We will be collecting finished potholders and placemats for them to distribute to the seniors that they serve. They have four service centers that serve each part of the county, so we’re hoping to distribute the items we receive to their North and Metro Service Centers. Everyone should have received an email from Kristyn with all of the details on this project, but if you haven’t received that, please send an email to [email protected]. This project will be wrapping up in October, so please bring all completed potholders and placemats to that meeting or email Kristyn to make other arrangements.

2025 QuiltCon Community Outreach Quilt

Our QuiltCon Community Outreach Quilt will be sewn together at the September sew in. Please join us if you’d like to help put that together.

Need Supplies? Want to help finish a quilt?

If you’re ever in need of something to finish up a charity quilt, please let Kristyn know! There is batting and backing fabrics on hand, which are usually blenders so that they go with lots of types of quilts. 

We also have several in progress projects that can use your help to move them towards a finished quilt. If you’re interested in quilting up a quilt, please let Kristyn know via email.

Please make sure to send any requests you have with some time to get them cut and gathered. Any last minute requests before a meeting will not be completed in time. Thanks!

Special Charity opportunity – Gently Hugged

Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected] This effort is providing blankets and quilts for babies in need via social workers and nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month. Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30” No religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc. 

Special Charity opportunity – Cat Beds

Our contact and point person for this charity is Hadley Mendoza-Miklos. Save your fabric scraps, batting, threads, and use all that debris as stuffing for much appreciated (by the cats) cat beds. Please make sure that you’re stuffing your cat beds with only those leftover scrap/trash textiles. Give our landfills a break, as well as the cats! We have donated almost 300 cat beds to date!


Board Members: 

President: Janine Fulkerson 

Secretary: Dori Conboy 

Treasurer: Candy Flory Barnes

VP Operations: Lulu Smith 

VP Activities: Hadley Mendoza-Miklos 

Membership Cards Every member of our local guild is also a member of the Modern Quilt Guild. You should be receiving emails from them regarding Quiltcon and other guild information. If you log into your MQG account you will be able to download and print your MQG Membership Card. This card can be shown at Quilt in a Day for a discount on purchases and at other quilting venues. Any discount is at the discretion of the store. 

Instagram: sandiegomodernquiltguild

Facebook: San Diego Modern Quilt Guild- and for our private Members Only Facebook page please contact Lulu Smith at [email protected] to complete signup. 

Questions? – please email board at [email protected] 

Written By: Dori Conboy

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen

Meeting Notes

July 2024 Meeting Recap

San Diego County Fair

We were well represented by many quilts in many different categories at this year’s San Diego Fair. Great job!


Here’s what’s coming up at guild! Is there a fun programming idea you’d like to see added to our calendar? Do you have a skill or talent you’d like to teach? Are you willing to share your quilting journey as part of the monthly Member Spotlight? Reach out to your Activities Director Hadley at the meetings or email the board at [email protected].


14 at QIAD: Meeting We’re kicking off the third quarter with a dues reduction and a ton of fresh programming!
14 at QIAD: Redwood Tote Workshop Part 2 This is the second part of Sue’s excellent bag workshop. If you have saved your spot, please come ready to sew!
28 at QIAD: Vinyl Repurpose and Bag Workshop Amanda will be leading us in a fun and creative day of sewing to repurpose vinyl from the fair.

Quarterly Challenge: Scraps and Salvage

This quarter is all about putting our scraps and other unusual materials to use! This is a great time to look at those UFOs you sorted and swapped at the April meeting, or take some time to play with your scraps and unconventional materials. Not sure where to start? In July we will be learning to work with vinyl to make bags and other fun items, and will have our much-beloved annual scrap swap after the August meeting.


10 at 11:30am, Visions Museum of Textile Art: “Latine Entretejida” Guided Tour Meet at Liberty Station 2825 Dewey Rd #100, San Diego for a fun museum tour field trip. Lulu is the point person for this excursion. After the tour, we will find lunch nearby. Tour takes about 45min-1hr. Please signup so we can have a close to accurate headcount via the link in the newsletter email. Museum tours are free.
11 at QIAD: Meeting and Quilt Labels Discussion We’ll be hearing from Susan Kephart, as well as the MQG about quilt label ideas and inspiration.
11 at QIAD: Scrap Swap One of our most fun and highly anticipated events of the year! After our August meeting it’s time for the annual scrap swap! Bring your treasures and get ready to be inspired for this quarter’s challenge!
25 at QIAD: Sew In


8 at QIAD: Meeting, Election Remember to bring your scrappy finishes and other unusual materials to participate in the quarterly challenge! Holy Macaroni! At this meeting we will be rolling out 2025 elections – how can YOU contribute to the guild in the coming year?
8 at QIAD: “What if?” Workshop with Sue Bouchard Part 1 Another info-packed Sue Bouchard workshop! Register via the link in the newsletter email. Full Information with supplies list will be sent via separate email.
22 at QIAD: Community Outreach Quilt Assembly Sew In It’s that time of year again — QuiltCon Guild Project assembly time! Jen C will be hosting this project-centered sew in, come prepared to participate and help pull together this year’s SDMQG contribution!

Block of the Month

We have completed our first BOM. Bring your quilt blocks, assembled top, or finished quilt to the
August Meeting. We will show off our work.


Charity Coordinator – Kristyn Jansen [email protected]

Donation Update!

We made a donation to Ronald McDonald House in early July with all the quilts that were collected since the start of the year. We donated 34 quilts to them!! Many thanks to all who donated a quilt or helped complete a quilt – we couldn’t do this without you! If you missed this donation, we likely will be making another at the end of the year. If you can’t make a meeting to drop off your donation, for this or any of our other organizations, please contact our coordinator Kristyn to make other arrangements.

Second Trimester Focus (May-August)

Just In Time for Foster Youth – My First Home Project

Our 2nd trimester focus is for Just In Time for Foster Youth (JIT) and their My First Home Project. JIT is an organization in San Diego County that supports 18-26 year olds who have ever spent any time in the foster care system. They provide numerous services to these individuals to help them break the cycle of foster care, become self-sufficient, and to build a secure future.

We support their My First Home Project, which helps to provide all of the essential items that one needs for their first home. For this drive, we are accepting throw and bed sized quilts.

JIT Group Project: Rectangle Box Blocks
For this trimester’s group quilt, we will be making these rectangle box blocks. Each block needs two fabrics – one for the center and one for the outside ring. The palette for this group quilt is made up of berry/plum, navy, citron, cool greys, and pops of brighter blues. For this project, you can either make blocks using your own stash (encouraged!) or from limited kits that will be available at the July meeting.

Find the email sent out on June 4th subject: SDMQG – 2nd Trimester Charity Update for details on the rectangle box blocks. If you did not receive this email, please let Kristyn know so she can send that to you.

Meals on Wheels Potholder and Placemat Project

We’ve put together a mid-year special project for Meals on Wheels of San Diego County. We will be collecting finished potholders and placemats for them to distribute to the seniors that they serve. They have four service centers that serve each part of the county, so we’re hoping to distribute the items we receive to their North and Metro Service Centers. Everyone should have received an email from Kristyn with all of the details on this project, but if you haven’t received that, please send an email to [email protected]. The tentative end date for this is the September (or October) guild meeting.

2025 QuiltCon Community Outreach Quilt

Our QuiltCon Community Outreach Quilt is being coordinated this year by Jen Collins, with help from several other members. We will share more ways to get involved with this project at our upcoming meeting, but all block kits have already been handed out. You should have received an email on July 12th from the Charity account with information about this project. If you did not receive this email, please let Kristyn know so that the information can be forwarded to you.

Upcoming Trimester (September – December) – Moores Cancer Center

Looking ahead, we will be starting our drive for Moores Cancer Center at UCSD in September. For this drive, we will be accepting lap and throw size quilts for patients at the center. More information will be forthcoming, so look for an email from Kristyn about this project in September.

Need Supplies? Want to help finish a quilt?

If you’re ever in need of something to finish up a charity quilt, please let Kristyn know! There is batting and backing fabrics on hand, which are usually blenders so that they go with lots of types of quilts.

We also have several in progress projects that can use your help to move them towards a finished quilt. If you’re interested in quilting up a quilt, please let Kristyn know via email. Please make sure to send any requests you have with some time to get them cut and gathered. Any last minute requests before a meeting will not be completed in time. Thanks!

Special Charity Opportunity – Gently Hugged

Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected]. This effort
provides blankets and quilts for babies in need who have been nominated via social workers and nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month. Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30” No
religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc.

Special Charity Opportunity – Cat Beds

Our contact and point person for this charity is Hadley Mendoza-Miklos. Save your fabric scraps, batting, threads, and use all that debris as stuffing for much appreciated (by the cats) cat beds. Give our landfills a break, as well as the cats! We have donated almost 300 cat beds to date!


Board Members:
President: Janine Fulkerson
Secretary: Dori Conboy
Treasurer: Candy Flory Barnes
VP Operations: Lulu Smith
VP Activities: Hadley Mendoza-Miklos

Membership Cards Every member of our local guild is also a member of the Modern Quilt Guild. You should be receiving emails from them regarding QuiltCon and other guild information. If you log into your MQG account, you will be able to download and print your MQG Membership Card. This card can be shown at Quilt in a Day for a discount on purchases and at other quilting venues. Any discount is at the discretion of the store.

Instagram: sandiegomodernquiltguild
Facebook: San Diego Modern Quilt Guild- and for our private Members Only Facebook page please contact Lulu Smith at [email protected] to complete signup.

Questions? – please email board at [email protected]

Written By: Dori Conboy

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen

Meeting Notes

April 2024 Meeting Recap


San Diego County Fair

Entries are now open! You can enter your quilts or other projects at Deadline to enter is April 30th at 8pm.

Quilt Show and Potluck

May 25th at Grace Episcopal Church in San Marcos

One of our most exciting events of the year is on! Mark your calendars and invite family and friends to gather, enjoy our quilts, and share in some snacks. Similar to our displays at the holiday party, we invite members to contribute a quilt to our own personal show. This evening is all about friendship and sharing our joy; all are welcome, there will be no jurying, and every participant will earn fun swag. (1020 Rose Ranch Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069)

SDMQG Retreat 2024

There are two spots still available for our annual retreat, which will take place from May 30 – June 2, 2024 at Vina de Lestonnac Retreat Center, Temecula. Retreat is so much fun, and a great way to get to know your fellow members better!

Quarterly Challenge: Natural Dyed and/or Organic Fabrics

In the second quarter we will be learning about and working with natural dyed fabrics and organic cottons. Let’s learn and make use of all of nature’s wonders.

Block of the Month

How’s your Block of the Month project going? There is still time to join us!
The pattern can be found here: Those who still want to participate may join in at any time! Just join us or contact Janine at [email protected].

Natural Dyeing with Market Finds

At our April 14th meeting, our member Amanda Whited gave a wonderful introductory presentation regarding fabric dyeing using items from nature – leaves, roots, bugs, flowers – it’s all out there for us to use. Amanda will also be providing a hands-on dyeing class on Friday May 31st at our annual retreat.

Charity 2024

2024 First Trimester Focus

Ronald McDonald House (January – April)
We’re wrapping up our first trimester focus on Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald House provides a home away from home for families whose children are receiving treatment at local hospitals. We’re partnering with this organization to provide quilts which are part of their Welcome Baskets that each family receives when arriving. We welcome all sizes of quilts for this organization, as they support all ages of children.

If you have a quilt that you’d still like to donate, please contact our charity chair Kristyn at [email protected]. Also, all of the solid stripe blocks for our group quilts were due back in March – if you still have blocks that need to be returned, please contact Kristyn to make arrangements to get those to her.

Charity Sew In – April 28th

We will be having a charity sew in on Sunday, April 28th from 11:00am – 3:45pm during our usual 4th Sunday sew in time at Quilt in a Day. We will be working on finishing up some of the in progress past group quilts by sewing blocks, arranging, and sewing those blocks into quilt tops. Interested in joining in that day? Show up and be ready to help out! Feel free to bring your sewing machine and any other sewing tools you’d like with you. Irons and cutting mats are readily available for use at QIAD.

Meals on Wheels Potholders and Placemats Project

We’ve put together a mid-year special project for Meals on Wheels of San Diego County. We will be collecting finished potholders and placemats for them to distribute to the seniors that they serve. They have four service centers that serve each part of the county, so we’re hoping to distribute the items we receive to their North and Metro Service Centers. Everyone should have received an email from Kristyn with all of the details on this project, but if you haven’t received that, please send an email to [email protected]. The tentative end date for this is the September (or October) guild meeting.

Upcoming Trimester

Our second trimester focus for Just In Time for Foster Youth and their My First Home Project starts in May and will go through August. JIT supports those in San Diego County, ages 18-26, that have ever spent time in foster care. They provide various services to these individuals to help them break the cycle, become self-sufficient, and build a secure future. We will be accepting throw and bed sized quilts for this drive. Look for more information about this and our group quilt project in an upcoming second trimester email from Kristyn in May.

Special Charity Opportunity – Gently Hugged

Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected]. This effort is to provide blankets and quilts for babies in need via social workers and nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month. Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30” No religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc.

Special Charity Opportunity – Cat Beds

Our contact and point person for this charity is Hadley Mendoza-Miklos. Save your fabric scraps, batting, threads, and use all that debris as stuffing for much appreciated (by the cats) cat beds. Give our landfills a break, as well as the cats.

Guild Event/Calendar 2024

14 at QIAD: 
Meeting and Natural Dye Lecture Our very own Amanda Whited will kick off the second quarter with a natural dye talk. This is a meeting you don’t want to miss!
14 at QIAD: UFO Swap and Sew In Bring your unwanted partial projects for our annual swap, taking place after the April meeting.
14 at QIAD: BOM Breakout Session After the meeting, those participating in the Block of the Month sewalong will meet to discuss layout options.
28 from 11-3:45 at QIAD: Charity Sew In April’s Sew In will focus on working through some of the charity stash! Bring your sewing machine and tools, and come ready to jump in on midstream projects by making additional blocks, trimming blocks, and piecing quilt tops.
28 at QIAD: Quilt Show Drop Off Janine will be at QIAD to pick up your quilts for the May 25 show. If you can’t drop off your quilt that day, no worries! Please reach out to Hadley to make other arrangements.

12 at QIAD: 
Mother’s Day Sew In Rather than a formal meeting, those who wish to sew will gather at Quilt in a Day for an informal sew-in and baked goods potluck.
25 from 6-8pm, QUILT SHOW and Potluck at Grace Episcopal Church in San Marcos One of our most exciting events of the year is on! Mark your calendars and invite family and friends to gather, enjoy our quilts, and share in some snacks. Similar to our displays at the holiday party, we invite members to contribute a quilt to our own personal show. This evening is all about friendship and sharing our joy; all are welcome, there will be no jurying, and every participant will earn fun swag. (1020 Rose Ranch Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069)
26 at QIAD: Sew In


RETREAT! May 30 to June 2! Contact the board ASAP if you still need to secure your spot!

9 at QIAD
: Meeting We look forward to gathering again after all the exciting events in May! Remember to bring your natural dye and organic cotton creations to participate in the quarterly challenge prize drawing.
9 at QIAD: Redwood Tote Workshop Part 1 Our very own Sue Bouchard will be offering a Redwood Tote Workshop! The first of this two-part series will take place after the meeting. Watch your email for a signup link to secure your spot. This is an in-person workshop and will likely not be streamed.
23 at QIAD: Sew In

Board Members

President: Janine Fulkerson

Secretary: Dori Conboy

Treasurer: Candy Flory Barnes

VP Operations: Lulu Smith

VP Activities: Hadley Mendoza-Miklos

Membership Cards Every member of our local guild is also a member of the Modern Quilt Guild. You should be receiving emails from them regarding Quiltcon and other guild information. If you log into your MQG account you will be able to download and print your MQG Membership Card. This card can be shown at Quilt in a Day for a discount on purchases and at other quilting venues. Any discount is at the discretion of the store.

Questions? – please email board at [email protected]

Written By: Dori Conboy

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen

Meeting Notes

February 2024 Meeting Recap

We covered a lot of things at our February meeting, so here’s what was discussed as well as a look ahead at upcoming events!

Membership Registration Open

Thank you to all those who have submitted their membership already! If you haven’t updated your membership please do so ASAP to ensure there is no lapse in your membership to The Modern Quilt Guild. While we are an independent group, we are part of the larger collective The Modern Quilt Guild (MQG). A portion of all dues we collect go to support the MQG which provides a resources library, challenges, QuiltCon Conferences, and more each year. We need to submit our Guild dues to MQG by March. Remember when you renew your membership to fill out the survey and submit the $55 payment. Thank you for your support! 

Membership Survey Results 

What are your interests? 27 out of 59 said modern quilting; 32 said love it all (modern and traditional.

Why are you in the guild?   #3 – charity.   #2 – inspiration from sew-and-tell.    #1 – socialization with fellow quilters. 

San Diego County Fair 

Entries are now open! You can enter your quilts or other projects at Check this link to get all of the information and to see the categories that are available for entry. The deadline to enter is April 30th at 8pm.


SDMQG Retreat 2024 

Our annual guild retreat will take place from May 30 – June 2, 2024 at Vina de Lestonnac Retreat Center in Temecula. Retreat spots are open for sign up until February 23, and after that, there will be a lottery if necessary if there are more retreaters than spaces available. Retreat is so much fun, and a great way to get to know your fellow members better!

Quarterly Challenge: Ruby Star Project

We’re kicking off the year by celebrating some of the best gals in the business! Sew a quilt, quilt top, bag, garment, or other completed project using primarily Ruby Star fabrics and show it off at the March meeting. Don’t have any Ruby Star fabric on hand? Support our lovely host, Quilt in a Day! Or, shop the Ruby Star wall in the modern shop at Grand Country Quilters in San Marcos and mention the guild at checkout for 20% off Ruby Star during the third week of Jan, Feb, and March.


Feb 11th at QIAD: Meeting and Sew In, Name Badge Make and Take and Enamel Pin Swap Let’s gear up for QuiltCon and a year of making new friends! If you’ve never made a name tag or lanyard, now is your chance! Plan to stay after the meeting and we’ll have supplies ready for you. Already have yours made? Bring some fun enamel pins to compare and swap with friends. Now’s your chance to pickup your guild pins if you don’t have them yet! 

Feb 22-25th: QuiltCon!

Feb 23rd at 6:00pm, Tin Leaf Kitchen: Handwork Happy Hour Can’t make it to Raleigh this year? Let’s celebrate at home! Bring some hand sewing, embroidery, knitting, or crochet and join us for some social fun as we “ooooh” and “aaaaah” over all the Quiltcon photos our friends are posting. 

Feb 25th at QIAD: Sew In

March – Happy National Quilting Month!

Mar 10th at QIAD: Meeting and Jelly Roll Race The race is on after the meeting! Bring your sewing machine and a jelly roll (at least forty 2.5” WOF strips) to compete for a fantastic prize and ultimate bragging rights. One sewing machine per team, but you may bring a pit crew to help keep you hydrated and swap out for bathroom breaks. Stay to race or just watch the action!

Mar 24th at 1:00pm QIAD: Lilli Quilt Workshop Our very own Linda Pupols has so generously condensed her course into a workshop for the guild. The workshop is free for members, but attendees will need to bring their own fabrics and a copy of Alison Glass’s pattern.  Watch your email and our socials for supplies lists and to reserve your spot!

In the Pipeline…

We’re working hard to line up a great year of friendship and learning. Members can look forward to an amazing Natural Dye Lecture, a long weekend Retreat, our ultra popular Scrap Swap, fun sew-alongs and outreach group projects, and some brand new surprise events too!

Block of the Month


How’s your Block of the Month project going? We should be finishing up the July Block and starting to work on the August Block. There is still time to join us! 

The pattern can be found here:   Those who still want to participate may join in at any time! Just join us or contact Janine at [email protected].


QuiltCon Community Outreach Quilt Entry

Our quilt made it into the QuiltCon Show in February in Raleigh NC.  Look for our entry if you are there.  

2023 Guild Charity Contributions

Ronald McDonald House 61 quilts, Moores Cancer Center 42 quilts, and Just in Time about 20 (in progress) donated quilts. That’s 123 quilts spreading warmth in 2023! 

We raised $1,420 on our Opportunity quilt with $1,280 going to Feeding San Diego and $140 to support the guild’s charity outreach. 

Oh and let’s not forget about the 186 Cat Beds donated from our scraps! 

Great Job everyone that contributed. 

2024 First Trimester Focus

Ronald McDonald House (January – April)

We’re jumping right into the first focus charity of the year with Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald House provides a home away from home for families whose children are receiving treatment at local hospitals. We’re partnering with this organization to provide quilts which are part of their Welcome Baskets that each family receives when arriving. We welcome all sizes of quilts for this organization, as they support all ages of children.

Group Quilt Project: Solid Stripes with a Hint of Print

For this group quilt project, we are going to be making these striped units in two sizes (7″ and 13″). All precut kits have been passed out, but we’re also encouraging you to use your scraps/stash to make blocks as well. You are also welcome to start with a kit and add to it to make a block unit or more.

If you wish to sew from your stash (or add to a kit), you will need (for each block unit):

– Solid scraps in varying widths (as skinny as you’d like to try up to 2.5″ max) and in length of either a minimum of 7″ or 13″ (pick one height for each unit you choose to make)

– 1-2 print strips in the same dimensions as above, if desired.

Arrange strips in a pleasing composition and sew together, using a 1/4″ seam. Press seams as desired. 

Stripes can be sewn perfectly straight, a little wonky, or more in an improv style. As shown in the image, we will be making block units in two different sizes – at least 7″ or 13″. The width of the unit is up to you, but please choose one of the heights for each unit you sew. Varying versions of these units were tested to see how they would come together and it was found that if you leave them untrimmed, that works the best, as they then can be trimmed to a uniform height.

All kits (or blocks sewn from stash are due back by the March guild meeting (Sunday, March 10). If you aren’t able to make it to the March meeting, send our coordinator Kristyn an email at [email protected] to make arrangements.

Special Charity opportunity – Gently Hugged 

Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected]. This effort is providing blankets and quilts for babies in need via social workers and nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month. Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30” No religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc. 

Special Charity opportunity – Cat Beds

Our contact and point person for this charity is Hadley Mendoza-Miklos. Save your fabric scraps, batting, threads, and use all that debris as stuffing for much appreciated (by the cats) cat beds. Give our landfills a break, as well as the cats.

Guild Events/Calendar 2024

February: Meeting Sunday 11th 11:30 am; Sew-in Feb 25th 11am

March: Meeting Sunday 10th 11:30am; Sew-in March 24th 11am

March UFO Exchange on the 10th

May Mother’s Day Sew-in- No Meeting

May 30th-June 2nd Retreat


Board Members 

President: Janine Fulkerson 

Secretary: Dori Conboy 

Treasurer: Candy Flory Barnes

 VP Operations: Lulu Smith 

VP Activities: Hadley Mendoza-Miklos 

Membership Cards

Every member of our local guild is also a member of the Modern Quilt Guild. You should be receiving emails from them regarding Quiltcon and other guild information. If you log into your MQG account you will be able to download and print your MQG Membership Card. This card can be shown at Quilt in a Day for a discount on purchases and at other quilting venues. Any discount is at the discretion of the store. 

Questions? – please email board at [email protected]

Written By: Dori Conboy

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen


2024 Guild Membership and Registration

Are you interested in joining the San Diego Modern Quilt Guild? We’d love to have you! Membership to the Modern Quilt Guild is included in your annual dues, which includes access to all the resources, webinars, and more on their website. Guild dues also go towards our various technology needs, guild programming, charity supplies, and more!

Membership dues for this year will be $55 and can be paid via Venmo or by check either in person or by mail. Dues for anyone joining July 1st or later are $30.

In order to be fully registered for the guild, please make sure to complete both of these items:

  1. Fill out the registration form. Both new and renewing members must fill out this form, as we want to make sure we have the most up to date information for you.
  2. Pay membership dues of $55 via Venmo or check made payable to San Diego Modern Quilt Guild.

Full instructions for submitting your payment are provided on the confirmation screen once your registration form has been submitted.

All monthly meetings are currently held concurrently in person and virtually over Zoom.

Please note: to be a fully registered member of the San Diego MQG, you must submit both your registration form and dues payment.

If you have any questions or need the address to send in a check by mail, please send an email to [email protected].

Meeting Notes

September 2023 Meeting Recap

We had a wonderful September guild meeting, here’s what happened in case you missed it!

It’s time for board elections once again and we had nominations for each of our board positions. As of the end of the September meeting, here’s what those nominations look like:

  • Janine Fulkerson – President
  • Candy Flory-Barnes – Treasurer
  • Dori Conboy – Secretary
  • VP Activities – Open
  • VP Operations – Open
  • New – Social Media Chair – assist Secretary with creating social media postings (Instagram, Facebook) and monitoring those outlets/answering questions

If you’re interested in filling one of the open positions or have more questions about what those positions may entail, send the board an email at [email protected].

Holiday Party Sunday, December 3rd – more specific information coming soon via email to the membership. Partners for the exchange will be sent the week after the meeting, so check your email if you signed up to be part of this activity.

Wrapped up third quarter Americana challenge – many projects inspired with red, white, blue and star motifs. Melodee shared this table runner she made among a group of projects she created for this challenge.

Suzanne with inspiration from Gee’s Bend.

There will not be a challenge for the 4th quarter.


Third Trimester (September – December) focus on Moores Chemo Center at UCSD. We will be accepting donations of lap and throw sized quilts for those individuals receiving treatment at the center.

We are looking to hold our annual charity planning meeting sometime before the November guild meeting. The meeting is open to any member who wishes to take part in the planning of our upcoming year. If you’re interested in taking part, please let our charity coordinator Kristyn know by sending an email or talking to her at a meeting.

Members – please check your email for a third trimester update email from our Charity Outreach Coordinator Kristyn for all of the details and updates on our current projects. If you didn’t receive that email, please let Kristyn know by sending an email to [email protected].

Sew and Tell

Here’s a few of the wonderful projects that were shared at this month’s sew and tell:

Pam made this bright quilt from scrappy slab blocks.

Amy shared this Halloween quilt.

QuiltCon 2024

If you’re still thinking about going to QuiltCon, don’t forget to register by November 30th to get your free 4 day show pass. Check out the QuiltCon site for more information about registering and the event itself.

Volunteering is a great way to meet other attendees and to get a behind the scenes look at the event. To sign up or get more information about volunteering, check out the QuiltCon Volunteer page.

Upcoming Events:

  • Next meeting and Scrap Swap – Sunday, October 8th at 11:30am
  • Sew-in Sunday, October 22nd 11:00am – 3:45pm
  • November Meeting – Sunday, November 12th at 11:30 am
Meeting Notes

August 2023 Meeting Recap

Below is a summary of our August 2023 meeting, and of things to come.

Reminder – Our meeting start time is now 11:30am. 

Guild Calendar/Coming Events 

Activities Calendar 2023 Meetings Sew-Ins Yearly Planned Activities 
September 10-Sep 24-Sep Board Election Nominations
October 8-Oct 22-OctScrap Swap
November 12-Nov 19-Nov
December No Meeting No Sew-InHoliday Party Dec 3rd
QuiltCon 2024 Feb 22-25, 2024, Raleigh NC



Nominations for board positions are needed at our September meeting. Our president, Nancy Littlefield, will term out after two years, as well as our VP Activities, Janine Fulkerson. At a minimum, please be thinking of people to fill these slots, or consider filling an open position yourself. Other positions are available if persons wish to volunteer! 

The Secretary position has historically included typical secretarial functions as well as all social media posts. We are prepared to divide this function into two positions going forward – secretary, and social media officer. 

3rd Quarter Challenge 

Our third quarter challenge, due at the Sept 2023 meeting, will be “Americana” themed. Flexibility is huge – as Americana can be whatever YOU feel it is. It does not have to be red, white and blue. Also, it can range from a quilt to a wall hanging, a table cloth or more. Americana includes wholecloth quilts to applique quilts to storytelling quilts, Gees Bend quilts, Native American quilts and more. All of these and more are part of the American tradition. 

Block of the Month 

A group of interested members meet after the regular meeting wraps up to discuss BOM. Janine is facilitating this large group, and provides email updates and information as needed. There is still time to join if anyone is interested. The pattern can be found at or check out the Instagram hashtag.

Sew-In August 27 – special project! 

Janine has identified a fun project for us to do at the Aug 27 sew-in. Janine will email all the fabric requirements, and she will provide the interfacing needed for the project. Reply to her email to indicate your interest so that she can purchase enough of the specialized interfacing.

Holiday Party – we have a new venue! 

Our president Nancy has secured her community clubhouse for Sunday Dec. 3. Located in Carlsbad, not far from Quilt in a Day. Mark your calendars now! 

Holiday Party Gift Exchange (Optional Participation) 

Janine has put forth a new process for the December gift exchange. Each participant will fill out a questionnaire to provide their gift maker with information helpful for a gift design or selection (gifts can be something purchased if the giver runs out of time!). Janine will send out an email to determine interest in participation. You must sign up by August end. Gifted names will be distributed by Sept 10, so that you have 2-½ months to create for your person. Gifts will be wrapped, and exchanged at the Dec 3 holiday party. The giver can choose to remain anonymous or not. Gift value is requested to be at least $25. 

SDMQG Retreat 2024 

We have reserved our spot again for next year’s retreat. It will take place from May 30 – June 2, 2024 at Vina de Lestonnac Retreat Center, Temecula. It is so much fun, and a great way to get to know your fellow members better. Pencil it on your calendar! 

Guest Speaker – Danielle Coronado 

We had a delightful guest speaker at our August meeting. Danielle Coronado joined us to share her quilting story. You can check out her beautiful work at and at Instagram at

Charity 2023 – Kristyn Jansen coordinator 

Ronald McDonald House (January – April) 

Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego provides a “home-away-from-home” for families with children being treated for serious, often life-threatening conditions at local hospitals. In May we delivered 28 quilts for their patients. Thanks to all who donated a finished quilt or helped to finish up an in progress one from the guild stash. 

If you missed this donation, fear not! We usually make at least two donations during the year, as we collect quilts throughout the year for this and the other organizations we support. All sizes of quilts are accepted for Ronald McDonald House. 

Second Trimester: Just In Time (May – August) – My First Home Project 

Our second trimester (May – August) focus is Just in Time for Foster Youth (JIT) and their My First Home Project. JIT serves transitional youth, those 18-26, who are aging out of the foster care system. We support their My First Home Project, which helps to provide those everyday items that one needs to furnish a home, by providing throw and bed sized quilts. 

JIT Group Quilt – Tunnel Blocks For our group quilt this trimester, we made Tunnel Blocks using this tutorial from Stitched In Color. Blocks were due back by the August guild meeting (August 13) either in person or mailed back to Kristyn. 

Third Trimester: Moore’s Cancer Center (Sept – December)

We’ll be providing lap-sized quilts for patients undergoing chemotherapy. 

2024 QuiltCon Community Outreach Challenge Quilt

We have been challenged to create a quilt with symmetry using a defined color palette. Shown with Kristyn is our selected design & colors. Our design is an original pattern from Angela Dufresne.

All block kits were handed out after the Aug 13th meeting. They are basic blocks using easy paper piecing. The goal is to have all blocks returned to Kristyn no later than the September 24th sew-in, preferably by Sept 10th guild meeting. Our goal is to use the Sept 24th sew-in as a group effort to sew together our QuiltCon quilt. 

Help Needed!!!! – Tops available for quilting 

The guild has a backlog of donated tops that are in need of quilters to turn them into finished quilts. Quilting does not need to be fancy and this is a great way to practice free motion quilting or getting used to a new long arm. Quilt tops of all sizes are available and we can provide batting, backing fabric, and/or binding fabric upon request. If you would like to help, please email the sdmqgcharity gmail or talk to Kristyn at a meeting. 

Special Charity opportunity – Gently Hugged 

Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected] This effort is providing blankets and quilts for babies in need via social workers and nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month. Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30” 

No religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc. 

Special Charity opportunity – Cat Beds (Hadley Mendoza-Miklos)

We’ve donated 128 cat beds to date! Save your fabric scraps, batting, threads, and use all that debris as stuffing for much appreciated (by the cats) cat beds. Give our landfills a break, as well as the cats! 

QuiltCon 2024, Feb.22-25, Raleigh NC 

Volunteers Needed 

Our own Kristyn Jansen is the manager of volunteers for QuiltCon – from preparation before opening to the tear down at the end. Please consider signing up for a time slot or two, or more, to help make QuiltCon a success. A single slot of volunteering can be as short as two hours, and you get a Volunteer t-shirt! Check your emails from The MQG for more details.


Registration for Modern Quilt Guild Members opened August 15! 

Questions? – please email board at [email protected]

2023 Board Members 

PresidentNancy Littlefield
SecretaryDori Conboy
TreasurerCandy Flory Barnes
VP OperationsMichelle Hodgson
VP ActivitiesJanine Fulkerson

Written By: Dori Conboy

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen

Meeting Notes

July 2023 Meeting Recap

We were so happy to meet up once again. Below is a summary of our July meeting and of things to come. 


Starting at 11:30 am instead of 12 noon allows for more time after our meetings conclude for sewing time! It worked out beautifully. 

Our Guild newsletter will now be published quarterly instead of monthly. Our guild president will continue to send out an informative monthly email. 

Guild Calendar/Coming Events 

Activities Calendar 2023 Meetings Sew-InsYearly Planned Activities
JulyJuly 9July 23
August Aug 13Aug 27Rummage Sale
September Sept 10 Sept 24Board Election Nominations
October Oct 8Oct 22Scrap Swap
November Nov 12Nov 19
DecemberNo MeetingNo Sew-InHoliday Party Dec. 3

Holiday Party – we have a new venue! 

Our president Nancy has secured her community clubhouse for Sunday Dec. 3. Located in Carlsbad, not far from Quilt in a Day, it looks like a wonderful facility. Mark your calendars now! 

SDMQG Retreat 2024 

We have reserved our spot again for next year’s retreat. It will take place from May 30 – June 2, 2024 at Vina de Lestonnac Retreat Center, Temecula. It is so much fun, and a great way to get to know your fellow members better. Pencil it on your calendar!

3rd Quarter Challenge 

Janine announced that our third quarter challenge, due at the Sept 2023 meeting, will be “Americana” themed. Flexibility is huge – as Americana can be whatever YOU feel it is. It does not have to be red, white and blue. Also, it can range from a quilt to a wall hanging, a tab 

Janine provided an excellent presentation to help spur our design juices. Americana includes wholecloth quilts to applique quilts to storytelling quilts, Gees Bend quilts, Native American quilts and more. All of these and more are part of the American tradition. 

Block of the Month 

A group of interested members meet after the regular meeting wraps up to discuss BOM. Janine is facilitating this large group, and emails updates and information as needed. The pattern can be found at or check out the Instagram hashtag.

The first BOM’s were shared with our group. Nice work! 

Charity 2023 – Kristyn Jansen coordinator 

Ronald McDonald House (January – April) 

Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego provides a “home-away-from-home” for families with children being treated for serious, often life-threatening conditions at local hospitals. In May we delivered 28 quilts for their patients. Thanks to all who donated a finished quilt or helped to finish up an in progress one from the guild stash. 

If you missed this donation, fear not! We usually make at least two donations during the year, as we collect quilts throughout the year for this and the other organizations we support. All sizes of quilts are accepted for Ronald McDonald House. 

Second Trimester: Just In Time (May – August) – My First Home Project 

Our second trimester (May – August) focus is Just in Time for Foster Youth (JIT) and their My First Home Project. JIT serves transitional youth, those 18-26, who are aging out of the foster care system. We support their My First Home Project, which helps to provide those everyday items that one needs to furnish a home, by providing throw and bed sized quilts. 

JIT Group Quilt – Tunnel Blocks 

For our group quilt this trimester, we will be making Tunnel Blocks using this tutorial from Stitched In Color. Blocks can be made at home using your own fabrics or you can pick up a kit at a guild meeting. For these blocks, we will be sticking with the same gradient style as in the tutorial (dark center out to a light outside), but feel free to create your gradient between shades of the same color, within a set of colors, or between different colors. If you’re unsure if you have a gradient (or close to one), a great way to check your values is to take a picture of what you’re working on and then edit it to be in greyscale. A lot more fabrics are more of a medium tone than you realize! 

General guidance for fabric colors is to stick to blender types of fabrics so that the overall color can be read and avoid fabrics that have multiple colors within one print. Blocks are due back by the August guild meeting (August 13) either in person or can be mailed back to Kristyn.

For the blocks, please follow the cutting/sewing directions on the blog post and use a standard 1/4″ seam allowance. Several people worked on these blocks during the guild retreat in June so we’re off to a good start already!

2024 QuiltCon Community Outreach Challenge Quilt 

The theme and palette have been announced for this year’s challenge quilt (check this link for all the details and specifics) and we have been challenged to create a quilt with symmetry with colors from the following palette: 

A design from one of our members has been selected for our QuiltCon quilt. Kristyn will be emailing details to our members. Fabric has been ordered. The goal is to have block kits available ASAP, and all blocks returned to Kristyn no later than the September meeting. They are basic blocks using easy paper piecing. 

Help Needed!!!! – Tops available for quilting 

The guild has a backlog of donated tops that are in need of quilters to turn them into finished quilts. Quilting does not need to be fancy and this is a great way to practice free motion quilting or getting used to a new long arm. Quilt tops of all sizes are available and we can provide batting, backing fabric, and/or binding fabric upon request. If you would like to help, please email the sdmqgcharity gmail or talk to Kristyn at a meeting. 

Special Charity Opportunity – Gently Hugged 

Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected] This effort is providing blankets and quilts for babies in need via social workers and nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month. Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30” 

No religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc. 

Special Charity Opportunity – Cat Beds (Hadley Mendoza-Miklos)

We’ve donated 128 cat beds to date! Save your fabric scraps, batting, threads, and use all that debris as stuffing for much appreciated (by the cats) cat beds. Give our landfills a break, as well as the cats!

QuiltCon 2024, Feb. 22-25, Raleigh, NC 

Volunteers Needed 

Our own Kristyn Jansen is the manager of volunteers for QuiltCon – from preparation before opening to the tear down at the end. Please consider signing up for a time slot or two, or more, to help make QuiltCon a success. A single slot of volunteering can be as short as two hours and you get a Volunteer t-shirt! Look for signups to open in September.


Registration for Modern Quilt Guild Members opens August 15. Study your class options and be ready when registration opens! Make sure you know your MQG login ahead of time and be sure to read all emails from The MQG that you receive as they have lots of information about the registration process. If you have any questions about registering for QuiltCon, please direct them to [email protected].

Questions? – please email board at [email protected] 

2023 Board Members 

President – Nancy Littlefield
Secretary – Dori Conboy 
Treasurer – Candy Flory Barnes
VP Operations – Michelle Hodgson
VP Activities – Janine Fulkerson

Written By: Dori Conboy

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen

Charity, Meeting Notes

June 2023 Meeting Recap

We were so happy to meet up once again, after a two month pause for Easter and Mother’s Day. Below is a summary of our meeting and of things to come. 


Per a vote of the membership in attendance, we are going to start our monthly meetings at 11:30 am instead of 12 noon. This will allow for more time after our meetings conclude for sewing time! See you at 11:30am on July 9th. 


Holiday Party – we have a new venue! 

Our president Nancy has secured her community clubhouse for Sunday Dec. 3. Located in Carlsbad, not far from Quilt in a Day, it looks like a wonderful facility. Mark your calendars now! 

SDMQG Retreat 2024 

We have reserved our spot again for next year’s retreat. It will take place from May 30 – June 2, 2024 at Vina de Lestonnac Retreat Center, Temecula. It is so much fun, and a great way to get to know your fellow members better. Pencil it on your calendar! 

3rd Quarter Challenge 

Janine announced that our third quarter challenge, due at the Sept 2023 meeting, will be “Americana” themed. Flexibility is huge – as Americana can be whatever YOU feel it is. It does not have to be red, white and blue. Also, it can range from a quilt to a wall hanging, a table runner, a clothing item, etc – whatever Americana item you made and wish to share. 

Block of the Month 

A group of interested members met after the regular meeting wrapped up to discuss a potential BOM. Janine is facilitating this large group, and will email updates and information as needed. It was agreed that everyone would come to the July meeting with a completed first block. The pattern can be found at or check out the Instagram hashtag for more inspiration.

Postcards, Scrappy blocks! 

Our first and second quarter challenges resulted in many creative items, and we had excellent participation. We collected a lot of scrappy blocks for a charity quilt, and several participated in the postcard exchange. Good results all around!

Monthly Member Spotlight 

Kristi Schmits was our June spotlight speaker, and she shared decades of her quilting results with us. She started out young – at age 12 – sewing clothing, and it just grew from there!

Charity 2023

Ronald McDonald House (January – April) – Update!

Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego provides a “home-away-from-home” for families with children being treated for serious, often life-threatening conditions at local hospitals. In May we delivered 28 quilts for their patients. Thanks to all who donated a finished quilt or helped to finish up an in progress one from the guild stash. 

If you missed this donation, fear not! We usually make at least two donations during the year, as we collect quilts throughout the year for this and the other organizations we support. All sizes of quilts are accepted for Ronald McDonald House. 

Second Trimester: Just In Time (May – August) – My First Home Project 

Our second trimester (May – August) focus is Just in Time for Foster Youth (JIT) and their My First Home Project. JIT serves transitional youth, those 18-26, who are aging out of the foster care system. We support their My First Home Project, which helps to provide those everyday items that one needs to furnish a home, by providing throw and bed sized quilts. 

JIT Group Quilt – Tunnel Blocks 

For our group quilt this trimester, we will be making Tunnel Blocks using this tutorial from Stitched In Color. Blocks can be made at home using your own fabrics – all pre cut kits have been claimed. For these blocks, we will be sticking with the same gradient style as in the tutorial (dark center out to a light outside), but feel free to create your gradient between shades of the same color, within a set of colors, or between different colors. If you’re unsure if you have a gradient (or close to one), a great way to check your values is to take a picture of what you’re working on and then edit it to be in greyscale. A lot more fabrics are more of a medium tone than you realize! 

General guidance for fabric colors is to stick to blender types of fabrics so that the overall color can be read and avoid fabrics that have multiple colors within one print. Blocks are due back by the August guild meeting (August 13) either in person or can be mailed back to Kristyn.

For the blocks, please follow the cutting/sewing directions on the blog post and use a standard 1/4″ seam allowance. Several people worked on these blocks during the guild retreat earlier this month, so we’re off to a good start already! 

2024 QuiltCon Community Outreach Challenge Quilt 

The theme and palette have been announced for this year’s challenge quilt (check this link for all the details and specifics) and we have been challenged to create a quilt with symmetry with colors from the following palette: 

As this is termed as a community project, we are working on this as a whole group (or with as many people that want to contribute). We discussed at the meeting if this is something we want to move forward with and the general consensus was that we want to create a quilt together.

We are looking for possible designs or ideas that can be turned into a quilt design from the membership. As this is designed to be a group quilt, we need your input and help to make it happen. We’re hoping to have a design finalized and ready for the July meeting so that we can get working on the actual quilt. Designs and/or ideas need to be sent to Kristyn by June 26th so there’s time to discuss and share before the July meeting.

Help Needed!!!! – Tops available for quilting 

The guild has a backlog of donated tops that are in need of quilters to turn them into finished quilts. Quilting does not need to be fancy and this is a great way to practice free motion quilting or getting used to a new long arm. Quilt tops of all sizes are available and we can provide batting, backing fabric, and/or binding fabric upon request. If you would like to help, please email the sdmqgcharity gmail or talk to Kristyn at a meeting. 

Special Charity Opportunity – Gently Hugged 

Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected] This effort is providing blankets and quilts for babies in need via social workers and nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month. Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30” 

No religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc. 

Again, please work this through Shelly Hoffman directly, and not through Kristyn. 

Special Charity Opportunity – Cat Beds (Hadley Mendoza-Miklos)

We’ve donated 128 cat beds to date! Save your fabric scraps, batting, threads, and use all that debris as stuffing for much appreciated (by the cats) cat beds. Give our landfills a break, as well as the cats!

Coming Guild Events 

Next Sew-In: Sunday, June 25th at Quilt in a Day – 11am-3:45pm 

Next Meeting: Sunday, July 9th at 11:30am at Quilt in a Day (with Zoom viewing option). Stay after the meeting for sew-in time. *Please note the new start time*

Questions? – please email board at [email protected]

Written By: Dori Conboy

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen

Meeting Notes

February 2023 Meeting Recap

We had a very well-attended meeting on February 12th. If you weren’t able to join
us or just need a reminder of all that was covered, here you go!

Membership Renewals!
Approximately 100 people have registered for the 2023 guild year. If you haven’t
completed registration yet, please do so AS SOON AS POSSIBLE as our chapter’s
2023 membership roster is due to the MQG in March. Be sure you return both your
payment of $50 and your registration form so that we can complete your
membership renewal properly with the MQG. Please also take a few minutes and
provide us with your feedback so that the board can help make this guild the best it
can be!


Holiday Party – new venue needed

We are in need of a new venue for our December party. If you know of a possible
location or have an idea, please let the board know as we want to secure something
sooner than later. Thank you!

Scrappy Quilts – February meeting

Hadley Mendoza Miklos held a special breakout session after our February meeting
about turning almost any pattern into a ‘scrappy’ quilt. It was so informative!

Survey results!

Janine presented survey results from an input of approximately 70 members.

  1. Majority voted to continue with catering for our holiday party (as opposed to
    potluck). The Guild will try to fully support the catering if financially feasible.
  2. Quarterly challenge or BOM? The results are basically 50-50!
    a. Quarterly challenge due April – use scraps to create a 12-1⁄2 finished
    block (or several blocks if desired). Any pattern, any color, any design.
    These can be put into a quilt, made into a pillow cover – whatever!
    b. BOM – those wishing to participate in BOM can meet up after the
    March meeting OR wait until Janine is back for the April meeting.

Monthly Member Spotlight

We are still seeking volunteers for 2023. Currently we have presenters for March
and April, but other months are still open. We can accommodate all types of
presentations and you are always welcome to share the spotlight with a friend!
Please talk to Janine or email the board if you are interested in signing up for any
spots this year!

March UFO Swap

Bring those unfinished or unwanted works in process to our March meeting. We will
have a UFO swap after the meeting.


Ronald McDonald House (January – April)
Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego provides a “home-away-from-home”
for families with children being treated for serious, often life-threatening conditions
at local hospitals. We will be supporting them by donating quilts for their Welcome
Bags that every family receives as well as donating quilts for other needs as they
arise at the House. We will be accepting all sizes of quilts for this trimester’s

Group Quilt: Black and White/Solid Plus

For our group quilts this trimester, we will be making these nine patch blocks using
solids and black and white prints. If you’d like to participate, you will have the
option of making blocks from your stash or to pick up a kit at a meeting (or mailed
to you upon request). Block kits or those sewn from your stash are due back by the
March guild meeting.

Blocks are made up of:
4 – 3.5” solid squares (all the same color)
5 – 3.5” B/W squares (all same ground color, as shown in the photo)
Sew with 1⁄4” seam allowance, blocks should be 9.5” unfinished
Arrange squares in a nine patch with the solids in the corners and the B/W prints in
the center plus. Sew and press as desired.

Tops available for quilting

The guild has a backlog of donated tops that are in need of quilters to turn them
into finished quilts. Again, quilting does not need to be fancy and this is a great way
to practice free motion quilting or getting used to a new long arm. Quilt tops of all
sizes are available and we can provide batting, backing fabric, and/or binding fabric
upon request. If you would like to help, please email the sdmqgcharity gmail or talk
to Kristyn at a meeting.

Special Charity opportunity – Gently Hugged
Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected]
This effort is providing blankets and quilts for babies in need via social workers and
nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month.
Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30”
No religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc.
Again, please work this through Shelly Hoffman directly, and not through Kristyn.

Upcoming Guild Events

Next Meeting: Sunday, March 12th at 12:00 pm at Quilt in a Day (with Zoom
viewing option). Stay after the meeting for UFO swap and sew-in time.

Next Sew-In: Sunday, March 26th at Quilt in a Day – 11am-4pm

Please Note: There will not be meetings in April (due to the Easter holiday/QIAD being closed) and May (Come for the Mother’s Day sew-in)

Questions? – please email board at [email protected]

Written By: Dori Conboy

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen