Below is a summary of our August 2023 meeting, and of things to come.
Reminder – Our meeting start time is now 11:30am.
Guild Calendar/Coming Events
Activities Calendar 2023 | Meetings | Sew-Ins | Yearly Planned Activities |
September | 10-Sep | 24-Sep | Board Election Nominations |
October | 8-Oct | 22-Oct | Scrap Swap |
November | 12-Nov | 19-Nov | |
December | No Meeting | No Sew-In | Holiday Party Dec 3rd |
QuiltCon 2024 | Feb 22-25, 2024, Raleigh NC |
Nominations for board positions are needed at our September meeting. Our president, Nancy Littlefield, will term out after two years, as well as our VP Activities, Janine Fulkerson. At a minimum, please be thinking of people to fill these slots, or consider filling an open position yourself. Other positions are available if persons wish to volunteer!
The Secretary position has historically included typical secretarial functions as well as all social media posts. We are prepared to divide this function into two positions going forward – secretary, and social media officer.
3rd Quarter Challenge
Our third quarter challenge, due at the Sept 2023 meeting, will be “Americana” themed. Flexibility is huge – as Americana can be whatever YOU feel it is. It does not have to be red, white and blue. Also, it can range from a quilt to a wall hanging, a table cloth or more. Americana includes wholecloth quilts to applique quilts to storytelling quilts, Gees Bend quilts, Native American quilts and more. All of these and more are part of the American tradition.
Block of the Month
A group of interested members meet after the regular meeting wraps up to discuss BOM. Janine is facilitating this large group, and provides email updates and information as needed. There is still time to join if anyone is interested. The pattern can be found at or check out the Instagram hashtag.

Sew-In August 27 – special project!
Janine has identified a fun project for us to do at the Aug 27 sew-in. Janine will email all the fabric requirements, and she will provide the interfacing needed for the project. Reply to her email to indicate your interest so that she can purchase enough of the specialized interfacing.

Holiday Party – we have a new venue!
Our president Nancy has secured her community clubhouse for Sunday Dec. 3. Located in Carlsbad, not far from Quilt in a Day. Mark your calendars now!
Holiday Party Gift Exchange (Optional Participation)
Janine has put forth a new process for the December gift exchange. Each participant will fill out a questionnaire to provide their gift maker with information helpful for a gift design or selection (gifts can be something purchased if the giver runs out of time!). Janine will send out an email to determine interest in participation. You must sign up by August end. Gifted names will be distributed by Sept 10, so that you have 2-½ months to create for your person. Gifts will be wrapped, and exchanged at the Dec 3 holiday party. The giver can choose to remain anonymous or not. Gift value is requested to be at least $25.
SDMQG Retreat 2024
We have reserved our spot again for next year’s retreat. It will take place from May 30 – June 2, 2024 at Vina de Lestonnac Retreat Center, Temecula. It is so much fun, and a great way to get to know your fellow members better. Pencil it on your calendar!
Guest Speaker – Danielle Coronado
We had a delightful guest speaker at our August meeting. Danielle Coronado joined us to share her quilting story. You can check out her beautiful work at and at Instagram at

Charity 2023 – Kristyn Jansen coordinator
Ronald McDonald House (January – April)
Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego provides a “home-away-from-home” for families with children being treated for serious, often life-threatening conditions at local hospitals. In May we delivered 28 quilts for their patients. Thanks to all who donated a finished quilt or helped to finish up an in progress one from the guild stash.
If you missed this donation, fear not! We usually make at least two donations during the year, as we collect quilts throughout the year for this and the other organizations we support. All sizes of quilts are accepted for Ronald McDonald House.
Second Trimester: Just In Time (May – August) – My First Home Project
Our second trimester (May – August) focus is Just in Time for Foster Youth (JIT) and their My First Home Project. JIT serves transitional youth, those 18-26, who are aging out of the foster care system. We support their My First Home Project, which helps to provide those everyday items that one needs to furnish a home, by providing throw and bed sized quilts.
JIT Group Quilt – Tunnel Blocks For our group quilt this trimester, we made Tunnel Blocks using this tutorial from Stitched In Color. Blocks were due back by the August guild meeting (August 13) either in person or mailed back to Kristyn.
Third Trimester: Moore’s Cancer Center (Sept – December)
We’ll be providing lap-sized quilts for patients undergoing chemotherapy.
2024 QuiltCon Community Outreach Challenge Quilt
We have been challenged to create a quilt with symmetry using a defined color palette. Shown with Kristyn is our selected design & colors. Our design is an original pattern from Angela Dufresne.

All block kits were handed out after the Aug 13th meeting. They are basic blocks using easy paper piecing. The goal is to have all blocks returned to Kristyn no later than the September 24th sew-in, preferably by Sept 10th guild meeting. Our goal is to use the Sept 24th sew-in as a group effort to sew together our QuiltCon quilt.
Help Needed!!!! – Tops available for quilting
The guild has a backlog of donated tops that are in need of quilters to turn them into finished quilts. Quilting does not need to be fancy and this is a great way to practice free motion quilting or getting used to a new long arm. Quilt tops of all sizes are available and we can provide batting, backing fabric, and/or binding fabric upon request. If you would like to help, please email the sdmqgcharity gmail or talk to Kristyn at a meeting.
Special Charity opportunity – Gently Hugged
Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected] This effort is providing blankets and quilts for babies in need via social workers and nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month. Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30”
No religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc.
Special Charity opportunity – Cat Beds (Hadley Mendoza-Miklos)
We’ve donated 128 cat beds to date! Save your fabric scraps, batting, threads, and use all that debris as stuffing for much appreciated (by the cats) cat beds. Give our landfills a break, as well as the cats!
QuiltCon 2024, Feb.22-25, Raleigh NC
Volunteers Needed
Our own Kristyn Jansen is the manager of volunteers for QuiltCon – from preparation before opening to the tear down at the end. Please consider signing up for a time slot or two, or more, to help make QuiltCon a success. A single slot of volunteering can be as short as two hours, and you get a Volunteer t-shirt! Check your emails from The MQG for more details.
Registration for Modern Quilt Guild Members opened August 15!
Questions? – please email board at [email protected]
2023 Board Members
President | Nancy Littlefield |
Secretary | Dori Conboy |
Treasurer | Candy Flory Barnes |
VP Operations | Michelle Hodgson |
VP Activities | Janine Fulkerson |
Written By: Dori Conboy
Posted By: Kristyn Jansen