We had a very well-attended meeting on February 12th. If you weren’t able to join
us or just need a reminder of all that was covered, here you go!
Membership Renewals!
Approximately 100 people have registered for the 2023 guild year. If you haven’t
completed registration yet, please do so AS SOON AS POSSIBLE as our chapter’s
2023 membership roster is due to the MQG in March. Be sure you return both your
payment of $50 and your registration form so that we can complete your
membership renewal properly with the MQG. Please also take a few minutes and
provide us with your feedback so that the board can help make this guild the best it
can be!
Holiday Party – new venue needed
We are in need of a new venue for our December party. If you know of a possible
location or have an idea, please let the board know as we want to secure something
sooner than later. Thank you!
Scrappy Quilts – February meeting
Hadley Mendoza Miklos held a special breakout session after our February meeting
about turning almost any pattern into a ‘scrappy’ quilt. It was so informative!
Survey results!
Janine presented survey results from an input of approximately 70 members.
- Majority voted to continue with catering for our holiday party (as opposed to
potluck). The Guild will try to fully support the catering if financially feasible. - Quarterly challenge or BOM? The results are basically 50-50!
a. Quarterly challenge due April – use scraps to create a 12-1⁄2 finished
block (or several blocks if desired). Any pattern, any color, any design.
These can be put into a quilt, made into a pillow cover – whatever!
b. BOM – those wishing to participate in BOM can meet up after the
March meeting OR wait until Janine is back for the April meeting.
Monthly Member Spotlight
We are still seeking volunteers for 2023. Currently we have presenters for March
and April, but other months are still open. We can accommodate all types of
presentations and you are always welcome to share the spotlight with a friend!
Please talk to Janine or email the board if you are interested in signing up for any
spots this year!
March UFO Swap
Bring those unfinished or unwanted works in process to our March meeting. We will
have a UFO swap after the meeting.
Ronald McDonald House (January – April)
Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego provides a “home-away-from-home”
for families with children being treated for serious, often life-threatening conditions
at local hospitals. We will be supporting them by donating quilts for their Welcome
Bags that every family receives as well as donating quilts for other needs as they
arise at the House. We will be accepting all sizes of quilts for this trimester’s
Group Quilt: Black and White/Solid Plus
For our group quilts this trimester, we will be making these nine patch blocks using
solids and black and white prints. If you’d like to participate, you will have the
option of making blocks from your stash or to pick up a kit at a meeting (or mailed
to you upon request). Block kits or those sewn from your stash are due back by the
March guild meeting.

Blocks are made up of:
4 – 3.5” solid squares (all the same color)
5 – 3.5” B/W squares (all same ground color, as shown in the photo)
Sew with 1⁄4” seam allowance, blocks should be 9.5” unfinished
Arrange squares in a nine patch with the solids in the corners and the B/W prints in
the center plus. Sew and press as desired.
Tops available for quilting
The guild has a backlog of donated tops that are in need of quilters to turn them
into finished quilts. Again, quilting does not need to be fancy and this is a great way
to practice free motion quilting or getting used to a new long arm. Quilt tops of all
sizes are available and we can provide batting, backing fabric, and/or binding fabric
upon request. If you would like to help, please email the sdmqgcharity gmail or talk
to Kristyn at a meeting.
Special Charity opportunity – Gently Hugged
Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected]
This effort is providing blankets and quilts for babies in need via social workers and
nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month.
Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30”
No religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc.
Again, please work this through Shelly Hoffman directly, and not through Kristyn.
Upcoming Guild Events
Next Meeting: Sunday, March 12th at 12:00 pm at Quilt in a Day (with Zoom
viewing option). Stay after the meeting for UFO swap and sew-in time.
Next Sew-In: Sunday, March 26th at Quilt in a Day – 11am-4pm
Please Note: There will not be meetings in April (due to the Easter holiday/QIAD being closed) and May (Come for the Mother’s Day sew-in)
Questions? – please email board at [email protected]
Written By: Dori Conboy
Posted By: Kristyn Jansen