Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, October 11th at 11:00am on Zoom. Members will receive an email this week with a link to the meeting.
Elections for our 2021 board will take place at our October meeting. Members will be able to vote on the slate that was nominated at our September meeting.
Orange Challenge:
Our October guild challenge is to use the color orange in a project. Your sewn item does not need to be finished to be entered into the challenge. Photo submissions can be sent in using the information in your meeting link email.
Our current charity drive is for the Riverside Chemo Lounge. We are accepting donations of lap sized quilts.
Our group quilt project for this trimester are these Starlite Blocks:

We still have a few block kits left and if you’re interested in sewing up a block, please email Kristyn at [email protected] with your address and we’ll get a kit mailed off to you. Blocks for this project are due back the week of November 8th.
QuiltCon: We’ve received a lot of our blocks back for this quilt and are excited to start arranging and putting it together. As a reminder, any outstanding QuiltCon quilt blocks are due back to Kristyn no later than October 16th.
Upcoming Events:
Tara Faughnan Webinar: We are excited to be hosting Tara Faughnan for a webinar titled “Color and Design” on Saturday, November 7th at 11:00am PST. This webinar will be open to everyone. The webinar will be free for members and $10 for guests. Registration will open on Tuesday, October 6th.

Drawing on 20 years of experience in quilting and textile design, I will share some of my approaches to the creative process, and discuss the importance of value, proportion and color when designing a quilt.
For more information about Tara, check out her website or her Instagram page @tarafaughnan.
Holiday Party and Mini Quilt Swap:
We have tentatively scheduled our annual holiday party (pandemic version) for Sunday, December 6th at 11:00am at the Alta Vista Botanical Gardens in Vista.
It will be a potluck and we will have a sign up sheet closer to the party. A rousing game of left-right-center is planned along with our mini swap.
The party will be held outside – weather permitting. If the weather is inclement we will need to postpone the party.