elections, Meeting, sew in

Guild Meeting

Is everyone getting excited for our guild meeting on Sunday, September 9? We are going to be joined at the end of our meeting by Erin Dollar, who is the designer of Cotton & Flax. Just in case you need some fabric enabling)

We are also having nominations for board positions. If you are interested in running and haven’t let a board member know yet, feel free to have someone nominate you on September 9!

Afterwards, we will have a sew-in!

Don’t forget to sign up for Weeks Ringle before then; we will be opening up remaining spots to the public next week.


VP of Geographic Outreach

We voted to amend our bylaws and include a VP of Geographic Outreach at our meeting yesterday. The person filling this position would be in charge of setting up social activities in regions of the county that are not where the guild meets for regular meetings (currently San Marcos). Cohni Corazon has expressed interest in being nominated to fill the position at our elections in October. Until then, the executive board has appointed her to the position.