Meeting Notes

September 2024 Meeting Recap


Here’s what’s coming up at guild! Is there a fun programming idea you’d like to see added to our calendar? Do you have a skill or talent you’d like to teach? Are you willing to share your quilting journey as part of the monthly Member Spotlight? Reach out to your Activities Director Hadley at the meetings or email the board at [email protected].

Dates to put on your calendars: 

Oct 13 – What If? Class by Sue Bouchard, part 2

Nov 10 – What If? Class by Sue Bouchard, part 3

Nov 15th – Mingei Museum tour, 11:30am, Balboa Park

Dec 15 – Guild holiday party

Quarterly Challenge: Scraps and Salvage

This quarter was all about putting our scraps and other unusual materials to use! This was a great time to look at those UFOs you sorted and swapped at the April meeting, or take some time to play with your scraps and unconventional materials. 


8 at QIAD: Meeting, Election Scrappy finishes and other unusual materials were shared for the quarterly challenge! At this meeting 2025 elections were held. The new board will be announced at the Oct. meeting.  

8 at QIAD: “What if?” Workshop with Sue Bouchard Part 1 Another info-packed Sue Bouchard workshop! Register via the link in the newsletter email. Full Information with supplies list was sent via separate email.

22 at QIAD: Community Outreach Quilt Assembly Sew In It’s that time of year again — QuiltCon Guild Project assembly time! Jen C will be hosting this project-centered sew in, come prepared to participate and help pull together this year’s SDMQG contribution!


Charity Coordinator – Kristyn Jansen [email protected] 

Third Trimester Focus: Moores Cancer Center at UCSD (September-December)

Our third trimester focus is Moores Cancer Center at UCSD. We will be accepting lap and throw sized quilts (approximately 50″x60″ or larger) for the individuals who receive treatment at the center.

Group Quilt: For this trimester’s group quilt, we will be making these blocks, inspired by a quilt made by Wombat Quilts. Blocks for this quilt should either use cool colors (greens, blues, teal/aqua, cooler purples) or warm colors (reds, yellows, oranges, warmer purples) for the corners. Please choose one color range for each block you make. We are hoping to make two different quilts – one with the warmer colors and one with the cooler.

For each block, you will need: 

– 1 – 6.5″ square of a black solid

– 2 – 1″-1.5″ x 6.5″ (or longer) strips of a white/just off white solid or a white on white print

– 2 – solid or print scraps for the corner 

To make a block, take your black square and one white strip of fabric. Place the white strip face down at an angle on one corner, making sure that there’s a little overhang over the edge of the black square. Sew down the strip using a 1/4″ seam allowance and press towards the strip. You can choose to trim off the excess black corner either before or after sewing your strip.

Next, take one of your color pieces of fabric and either line it up face down with the edge of the white strip or you can put it on a bit of an angle for a more improv look. Sew those two pieces together and press towards the colored piece. 

Repeat these steps with the opposite corner and when complete, you should have a block that looks something like this:

You can leave your blocks in this state or square them back up to 6.5″.

Blocks for this project can be made from your stash and black solid squares will be available at the meeting, or upon request for mailing, if needed. All blocks for this project are due back at the November guild meeting (Sunday, November 10th).

2025 Charity Planning Meeting – We are getting close to the time in which we usually have our annual planning meeting to discuss the charity programming for the upcoming year. This meeting is open to any guild member that would like to attend and we historically have had it in late October/early November before the November guild meeting. This meeting takes place usually on the weekend and is no more than an hour and a half, though usually wraps up sooner. We try to pick a day/time that works best for most people.

If you haven’t been a part of this meeting in the past and are interested in joining, please let me know so that Kristyn can add you to the contact list. Any suggestions for charities/projects/group block ideas/ect. are also welcomed! 

As always, if you need supplies for a quilt (batting, backing, ect), supplies for a potholder, labels for a quilt, or just have other charity questions, please let Kristyn know! We have lots of supplies on hand to help you complete your charity quilt.

Kristyn will be working to prep some completed quilt tops to be quilted and have those ready for the October meeting. If you’re interested in helping to quilt one of those please let me know what size top you’d be willing to quilt. We have a variety of sizes available from smaller throws up to twin-ish sized.

Meals on Wheels Potholder and Placemat Project

We’ve put together a mid-year special project for Meals on Wheels of San Diego County. We will be collecting finished potholders and placemats for them to distribute to the seniors that they serve. They have four service centers that serve each part of the county, so we’re hoping to distribute the items we receive to their North and Metro Service Centers. Everyone should have received an email from Kristyn with all of the details on this project, but if you haven’t received that, please send an email to [email protected]. This project will be wrapping up in October, so please bring all completed potholders and placemats to that meeting or email Kristyn to make other arrangements.

2025 QuiltCon Community Outreach Quilt

Our QuiltCon Community Outreach Quilt will be sewn together at the September sew in. Please join us if you’d like to help put that together.

Need Supplies? Want to help finish a quilt?

If you’re ever in need of something to finish up a charity quilt, please let Kristyn know! There is batting and backing fabrics on hand, which are usually blenders so that they go with lots of types of quilts. 

We also have several in progress projects that can use your help to move them towards a finished quilt. If you’re interested in quilting up a quilt, please let Kristyn know via email.

Please make sure to send any requests you have with some time to get them cut and gathered. Any last minute requests before a meeting will not be completed in time. Thanks!

Special Charity opportunity – Gently Hugged

Our contact and point person for this charity is Shelly Hoffman, [email protected] This effort is providing blankets and quilts for babies in need via social workers and nurses. This organization hands out about 60 care packages a month. Dimensions maximum – 45” x 30” No religious prints, sports prints, holidays, etc. 

Special Charity opportunity – Cat Beds

Our contact and point person for this charity is Hadley Mendoza-Miklos. Save your fabric scraps, batting, threads, and use all that debris as stuffing for much appreciated (by the cats) cat beds. Please make sure that you’re stuffing your cat beds with only those leftover scrap/trash textiles. Give our landfills a break, as well as the cats! We have donated almost 300 cat beds to date!


Board Members: 

President: Janine Fulkerson 

Secretary: Dori Conboy 

Treasurer: Candy Flory Barnes

VP Operations: Lulu Smith 

VP Activities: Hadley Mendoza-Miklos 

Membership Cards Every member of our local guild is also a member of the Modern Quilt Guild. You should be receiving emails from them regarding Quiltcon and other guild information. If you log into your MQG account you will be able to download and print your MQG Membership Card. This card can be shown at Quilt in a Day for a discount on purchases and at other quilting venues. Any discount is at the discretion of the store. 

Instagram: sandiegomodernquiltguild

Facebook: San Diego Modern Quilt Guild- and for our private Members Only Facebook page please contact Lulu Smith at [email protected] to complete signup. 

Questions? – please email board at [email protected] 

Written By: Dori Conboy

Posted By: Kristyn Jansen